Courageous Conversations
A discussion group for challenging patriarchy
Based in Brunswick, 3056
First Thursday each month
18:30 - Brunswick Town Hall
About Us
We're a monthly discussion group in Merri-bek which focuses on how to move toward gender equality.We meet in the Brunswick Town Hall at 18:30 on the first Thursday each month.We welcome anyone who is interested in respectfully listening to, brainstorming for, or working toward our goal.If you have any questions, use the contact form or bring them along to our regular meeting.
Our Work
We're presently focused on polishing Bob Pease's list of 20 Things Men Can Do To Challenge Patriarchy.
This list has funding to be distributed across Merri-bek.
View the list and provide feedback on subsequent pages.
From the Merri-bek_citycouncil instagram:
"Come along to join an important community discussion about how to step up together and take action to address men’s violence against women, including finding ways to support:🔹Things men can do to challenge sexism
🔹 Peer support for men to have challenging conversations
🔹 Training in allyship/bystander interventionThis event is open to all genders and aims to foster a supportive environment for learning and growth."
This is Bob Pease's list as it stands in December 2024.
The feedback form is on the next page.
We live in a time of escalating violence by men against women, other men, and non-binary people, manifesting in domestic violence, street harassment, online misogyny, and sexual objectification in various spaces. Acknowledging this reality is essential.
While not all men are perpetrators, patriarchal systems of male domination and privilege that underpin this violence advantage all men in some way. This list of things men can do is a response for requests for men to ‘Step Up’ and speak out against this violence. It is crucial to understand how denying the relationship between male privilege and violence is part of a broader culture that condones and perpetuates this violence.This list, refined through public forums, group discussions and comments from representatives of violence prevention organisations, aims to inspire men to educate themselves and other men. We invite men to join this conversation, understand the issues, and take proactive steps towards a socially just, caring, and violence-free world by challenging patriarchal attitudes and practices.
20 Things Men Can Do
To Challenge Patriarchy
Many men are already doing these things. But stepping up is a lifelong learning journey to practicing allyship. We are not suggesting that these twenty things men can do are exhaustive and we encourage others to add to the list or develop a list of their own. We are asking men to commit, reflect, learn and do the best they can. These suggestions represent one small step to address the culture that allows men’s violence against women to continue.
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Expression of Interest